Sunday, October 5, 2008

27 hour days...

I can't remember the last time I pulled an all nighter but this one was a little on accident. But very necessary for a number of reasons. It ended up with a 4:30 am trip back to school to work and a mountain climb to view the sunset rising over ballyvaughan at around 7:45. As you can tell the trip to the aran islands was cancelled this weekend and threw our plan for a loop. But I'll have pictures of the sunrise soon and I think it might be a more common thing for me. It was beyond description. Being on the mountain is the most surreal feeling yet sometimes it feels like the only real thing about this experience. I hope all of you can make it here at some points in your lives. It will change them. I promise. Ok. Now that I have probably made you all upset that I am not sleeping enough I have to go do some more work so that I can go catch the sunset from the mountain. Love you.


noonie said...

I fell in love with the mountains in CO - living with them. I know how you feel. Glad you are making the most of them - XOXOXOX

Unknown said...

Hi darlin'

So sorry the trip got canceled and yes I am worried about your sleep but know that you are a smart girl and will keep everything in perspective! Barb and I are getting more and more excited with every post!

Cannot wait to see the pics of the sunrise and sunset! I'm wondering if you took them with your pin hole camera.

As always, all my love,


Anonymous said...

i miss you.

sunrises on irish mountains sounds idyllic.

i was talking to a friend of mine the other night and he was in ballyvaughan on st patty's day last year! crazy stuff. he told me only amazing things about b-vaughan. i can't wait!!!!

love you! good luck on all of your art!

Anonymous said...

i need to edit my last post for grammatical reasons or else it's gonna piss me off.

in the second line, "sounds" should be "sound."

silly jilli.