Hey everyone. My blog is going to transform a bit and continue down the path or my art exploration. However, i guess I have already mixed my personal life with my art on this blog and in real life so really why try to organize multiple blogs. its all my life so here it goes.
First day of illustration today. I've been in the lab researching some illustrators to start thinking about the field, inspiration, etc. The first current illustrator to stand out in my search was Michael Morgenstern. He has done a lot of work with magazines but what struck me about his work was the content. On first impression he works a lot in the political and social realm of things which seems fitting given current events, cough, inauguration, cough. (which I hope everyone watched) His work seems very conceptual and I think it is wonderful to have such thought provoking images that match what I can only guess to be thought provoking text. Here is just one example of his work. The rest can be found at his website: http://www.mmorgenstern.com/